Tuesday, September 29, 2015

One Church

As I have been reading through the book of Acts I have enjoyed catching some “small” details that can have such a huge impact on my life. Every inch of the Bible is packed with such great wisdom. All we have to do is stop, take the time to read, and listen to what the Lord has to show us. 

One of the simple statements I came across is found in Acts 2:1. This is the chapter that talks about Pentecost, “…they were all together in one place.” One place, one heart, one desire… when I read this all I could think was unity. A body of believers coming together and the Holy Spirit moving. This was the start of “The Church”. 

Today, so many of us, including myself, can get caught up in the identity of “our” church, that we forget we are all a part of The Church. If we want to see God move again like He did on that day, the day of Pentecost, we need to put down our pastoral idols, and lift back up the one, forever Good Shepherd, Jesus. God moves through His people in a powerful way when there is unity among them. We should be one church with one vision: To see that the lost are found! 

“Hope for every soul.” “A healing place for a hurting world.” “A community of God seekers, God followers, and God doubters.” These shouldn’t just be individual tag lines, but the united cry of His church. My heart and prayer for myself, and us all, is that we can all learn to walk together, arm in arm, to bring about His kingdom. I think when we start to do that, we will see great things happen throughout our nation. 

 “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” - John 13:35

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