Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving Festivities

Well, the Thanksgiving Holiday is over, but I pray the spirit of it stays. I love the Holidays. Overall people SEEM to be more joyful. It shouldn't take a Holiday though. We, myself included, should remember year round all the things we are EXTREMELY blessed to have....
On another note; This Thanksgiving was the best yet for me. This past Saturday HPC (Healing Place Church) had one of their Thanksgiving Outreaches, and I was able to be involved. Everything went smoothly thanks to Kelly, all staff at the DC (Dream Center), and ALL the volunteers. Thanks everyone who was involved in ANY way. Many homes were blessed that day with a Thanksgiving Dinner Kit which included: Ham, yams, stuffing, gravy, etc.
Also, many of you probably do not know that there had been unspoken conflict between my Father and I. It was more on my end. Different things had been said to me as a child; not meant to hurt me, but that is how I received it. Because of these misconstrued thoughts and ideas and feeding into different lies my flesh, mind, and past boyfriend told me I began to resent my Father for certain things and harbor bitterness towards him. But, Praise God, I was able to come to terms with myself and confront my Father with an issue that had been eating at me for YEARS! I cried, he cried, we hugged. It was awesome!
So this Thanksgiving was filled with Love, Giving, Peace, and Restoration! I Praise my Abba Father for all the good things He is allowing to happen in my life....

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Hey Guys! Welcome to my blog. So, I thought it was time I shared with all of you a little glimpse of my world. Things have changed extensively in the past few months. It is awesome! God is doing amazing things. I can not wait to share and get your feed back!

My first announcement is a little shoutout to this weekends outreach @ the BRDC (Baton Rouge Dream Center. It is Saturday from 10-2. We will be going out into the community and blessing familys with a Thanksgiving Dinner Kit. It will be filled with all the essentials! Come be a part! Be blessed by being a blessing. You will put a smile on God's face! :)

Love Yawl!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

First Thought

Ok... so this was supposed to be my first Blog, but I hesitated....

Hi Guys! So this is my first blog. I am pretty excited. A site where people come to hear all of the randomness that comes from my heart, soul, and mind.

To begin I guess I will explain my title. Existing is my Essence. There are so many explanations to how this fits my life I almost don't know where to begin. So I will just begin.

For so many years I have failed to Exist. Not wanting wanting to be here. I walked through the halls of life with that Walmart smiley face plastered on wishing things would just fade away. I fought depression for many years. I would struggle with thoughts of suicide. Death was more of an amusing thought than scary. Then I found hope. Hope in Christ. Hope in a SAVIOR. I know to some non-believers this may sound so cliche, but its so true. I found purpose. I found a reason to exist. I found WHY I exist. I exist today because there is a God who loves me, created this earth for me, longs to share His glory, and has an exponential plan prepared for me that I may never be able to comprehend. I now EXIST. I no longer just roam, I walk with a purpose and a determination in my stride. I am now here to exist, to lead, to speak life, and truth into the hearts of those who are in that same position I was in not so long ago.

Now I am not here to say that once you find this new, glorious life, things get easy, but now there is meaning behind the things I do. I know that there is a greater purpose and meaning behind it other than my own glorification and satisfaction. I am blessing my Abba Father in return for all his glorious wonder that he has so freely displayed in my life.... more to come on why... :)