Monday, January 19, 2009

Life Goes On

Hey Guys! So I'm back. It has been a little over a month since my last post, and this is really the first time that I have looked at my blog since. So much has happened, but yet if feels like nothing. I am taking drastic steps backwards, but they are causing me to move forward. Anyone confused yet? :)
This past holiday season I hit a bump (hill... mountain...) in the road. It stunk... still stinks... but it is probably one of the greatest things life (my flesh... the enemy...) could have thrown at me. I have done nothing but (mostly) grow from this situation.
In my past I would do nothing but run when I would hit a bump (hill...mountain...) in the road; this time I refused (still refusing) to run. First and foremost I am not running because I would be miserable my whole life knowing that I am not doing the will of the Father. Secondly I am not running because I have finally gotten a grasp on the Father's love and forgiveness. In the past I would just allow myself to feed into all the lies of always being a screw up, worthless, etc., but this time I decided to believe in what God thinks of me. (Trust me those thoughts still crept in and continue to creep in every now and then though.)
I have decided to use my mistake as a stepping stone and not a stumbling block. I will take what the enemy wanted for his destruction and use it for God's glory because I am going to press through. (and for any confusion: I am not saying that messing up is OK, but don't let it tie you down. We allow ourselves to fall, but then we must allow the Holy Spirit to pick us back up... I am facing consequences for my actions, but I am learning to embrace them and learn from them.)
I feel like I am losing so much because of this, but here is where God's love, mercy, and discipline are coming into play... "Michelle, I am taking everything from you so that you have nothing to define you but me."-God
-Praise Him!